Buying Guide


  • Treadmills

  • Bikes

  • Ellipticals

  • Cross training

  • Rowers

Please note that our products are intended for domestic use only. Bitte beachten Sie, dass unsere Produkte nur für den privaten Gebrauch bestimmt sind.


Strengthen your legs, abs, lumbar muscles, or rather do cardio training? Training in all weathers? Preparing to run a marathon, or getting back into sport after pregnancy? Losing weight? We all have a good reason to install a treadmill at home. Especially since it can even nowadays be connected, multimedia... and definitely more "fun"!


Why run on a treadmill at home instead of outdoors?

5 good reasons to run on a treadmill instead of outdoors

It's decided, you're (back) running. But is it better to run at home on a treadmill, or outside? The question is legitimate, because fans of outdoor running have many criticisms of the treadmill. However, it must be put into perspective: if some criticisms were once justified, the treadmills have changed in recent years. They always better reproduce the conditions of running outdoors, and add new advantages (regularity, flexibility, safety). The new generation of treadmills is certainly no longer the envy of outdoor running. Here are 5 good reasons to get started.

Advantages of running on a treadmill compared to running outdoors
  • More regular training. Violent wind, heavy rain, soggy terrain, too short days in winter... There are many reasons why you should not train outdoors. And demotivation sets in very quickly. On a treadmill, you respect a regular training: whatever the weather, put on your running shoes and let's go.
  • A less traumatic run for the joints. You have weak joints? Are you overweight? With the treadmill, forget about twisted ankles on uneven roads, and the repeated shocks of running on asphalt. The treadmill, thanks to the various shock absorbers and an adapted treadband width, offers a comfortable stride. We have found that NordicTrack treadmills, which are known for their comfort and reliability, are very often adopted to resume running after an injury. And then retained by the users, recovered... but seduced.
  • A home coach. When you run outdoors, your training is often approximate. Of course, pedometers and connected watches tell you the running time and kilometres covered afterwards. But with a treadmill, the monitoring is constant, before your eyes in real time. And the best treadmills, such as those in the NordicTrack range, offer real training programs, according to your goals: a real virtual coach accompanies you.
  • A safe race. Running outdoors sometimes means sharing the road with vehicles, or the path with unfriendly dogs. Many joggers have experienced this. On your treadmill, you train in complete safety: no pollution, no vehicles that might not see you, no pedestrians to avoid...
  • An easy supply. During a training session, you have to drink. No need to carry a bottle of water: put it near the treadmill, within easy reach, and run quietly.
Obstacles that are easy to circumvent

Critics of the treadmill often blame it for an artificial stride. The answer is simple: research has shown that by tilting the treadmill by 1 to 2 degrees, the workout reproduces a natural run. The treadmill is also accused of being "always the same". Nothing could be further from the truth today. The adjustable inclination allows you to simulate a hill, to vary your workouts. It is sometimes easier to "change the course" on a treadmill than outdoors. As for the supposed monotony of running on a treadmill, it is no longer relevant. Just run on a NordicTrack treadmill, listen to music, watch a series on your tablet... and don't let the time go by. The high-end treadmills even feature a screen, on which a landscape "scrolls" to the rhythm of your stride, to give you a pleasant, motionless journey.

Carpet running definitely has a lot of arguments to defend itself. But what if instead of seeing carpet running and outdoor running as rivals, they were seen as complementary? Get the mat that suits you - the NordicTrack range is bound to have something for you - to train regularly and to develop your breath. You will then enjoy outdoor running more, as it offers you different sensations and the pleasure of discovery, more than the search for performance.


A treadmill in a small apartment, it's possible.

You're back to running during the holidays and no doubt, regular practice gives you more energy and breath. You're even in a better mood. So you've decided to buy yourself a treadmill, which will allow you to do sports regularly, despite your work schedule, bad weather, or the lack of appeal of running in the city. The only thing left to do is to find the model that will fit in your small city apartment.

A compact or foldable course mat?

When space is limited, it is tempting to choose a smaller or compact model. This is a bad idea. If the mat is too narrow, it loses its comfort of use. Too short, it limits your strides and doesn't allow you to run - it becomes a walking mat - especially if you're tall. Prefer a model with a large running surface, at least 140 x 46 cm - but foldable. As long as it is easy to fold it up, of course. Ideally: models with a hydraulic piston, which makes it easier to open (it is the piston that holds the weight, not you).

This is the choice made by NordicTrack, almost all models of which are foldable (only the Incline Series and Elite Series consist only of fixed models). And all foldable models are equipped with a piston that accompanies the opening. But no compromises have been made on the stroke surface, which is at least 140 cm long. A final tip: Install your folding mat so that you can unfold and use it without having to move it every time.

Make room for your treadmill

By the way, where do you put your treadmill in your little apartment?

Three possibilities:

  • Dedicate a room to your training. The ideal is of course to dedicate a room to your sports practice. Is your guest room used once a year? Replace the bed with a sofa bed or a folding bed. Do you have a little-used desk? Install your computer in the living room. This will save space for your treadmill, which is used several times a week.
  • Install your treadmill in the living room... You don't have a guest room or office: place your treadmill in your living room. Folding models use little floor space when not in use. Hide it under a nice fabric cover, or hide it behind a screen or plants. Or simply assume it's there: it will first become the topic of conversation for your guests, who will soon forget about it.
  • ...or in your room. The last option, the bedroom. If you only use it for sleeping, push the bed and make room for the treadmill: it will be a way to optimize both the use of your apartment and your health.
Horizontal or vertical folding?
There are treadmills that fold flat, so compact that they can be slipped under a bed after workout. Let's be clear: they are not suitable for regular practice. Too light and not very powerful, they can be used for rehabilitation, for example, but they won't help you lose weight, improve your breathing or prepare for a run. The heavier and more voluminous models fold vertically, freeing up space on the ground. They are less easy to hide, but they do provide a real workout.
In a studio, would you prefer an exercise bike?

If you live in a very small studio, where the treadmill is definitely impossible to fit, don't give up home training equipment. Think about a home bike, which is less bulky and allows you to stay in shape, work on your cardio and strengthen your muscles. Especially if you opt for a biking bike (a training bike that feels more like a road bike and is particularly compact).

If you can accommodate a treadmill in your home, have a look at the NordicTrack range: classic or foldable treadmills, tilting (or even very tilting) treadmills, enhanced with the iFit immersive coaching technology . Surely there is a NordicTrack treadmill that suits your expectations and needs. 


Discover the 3 (main) advantages of the Incline Trainer

Are you familiar with the Incline Trainer? This unique treadmill designed by NordicTrack can incline up to 40% and decline from -1 to -6%. It offers a new way of training with new advantages. Here we present the main ones, it's up to you to discover the others.
1. You are preparing for your outdoor courses

The Earth isn't flat. Neither are hiking or running trails in the great outdoors. And in an outdoor course, you usually alternate ascents and descents. A succession of configurations that require you to change your pace, different positions... and that's the charm of the outdoors.

What if you found that feeling on a treadmill? It is now possible, with the Incline Trainer, an exclusive from NordicTrack. The Incline Trainer allows you to prepare for your next outing "in the real world" thanks to its iFit compatibility: an avant-garde and immersive coaching technology. All you have to do is select the course of your choice on the Ifit web interface then download it to your Incline Trainer treadmill, which will follow it to the nearest metre, tilting and declining in real time according to the topography of the chosen terrain. More than ever, running on a treadmill rather than outdoors has many advantages!

2. You lose more weight, faster

Your goal is to lose weight and regain a slim, muscular body? The Incline Trainer will become your best ally. Because the more you tilt the mat, the more calories you burn. For example? You weigh 90 kg and simply walk on your treadmill for 20 minutes: flat, you spend 87 calories. With a 10° incline, you burn 157 calories. At 40°, the caloric expenditure jumps to 381 calories: almost 5 times more than on a flat surface. So to lose weight and get back in shape, the Incline Trainer is definitely more effective than any other treadmill, since the majority of treadmills on the market tilt by 10° maximum.

3. You are using new muscles

You've noticed it: when you hike in the mountains, you get unusual aches and pains on flat ground. The quadriceps "pull" of course, but the buttocks and calves also feel much more. That's normal, since running uphill puts you in different positions. It's a question of running biomechanics: when running uphill, you attack the ground much more easily with the front of your foot than with the heel and contract your buttocks more.

With the Incline trainer, you can reproduce all possible terrain topographies directly on your treadmill and thus vary your workouts. In addition, by varying the incline during your workout, you will achieve a dynamic muscle strengthening that is much more complete than with a conventional treadmill - which already builds muscle - and work on your power through hill work. Ready for a challenge?

A more fun and varied workout

These 3 advantages only give you a glimpse of the countless benefits of the Incline Trainer. With it you will also discover infinite training variants, learn to play on incline and declination to walk, run, climb, descend, work your stride. You will strengthen your muscles and burn more calories than ever before. You'll even have fun on your stationary mat, with a fixed incline, inventing static strength training exercises and building your body "à la carte". Guaranteed to make you feel great.

It's time for you to discover the Incline trainer in detail. Feel free to also check out the inspiring videos you can find on Youtube. Soon, they will be yours to put online!



Apartment bike: what are the criteria for choosing the right model?

Choosing your home bike isn't that easy. There is a wide range of bikes on offer, and the home bike is more technical than you might think. And you deserve equipment that matches your motivation. So be demanding, and above all know how to distinguish the essential criteria to find the model that suits you, according to your objectives. Are you looking for an exercise bike to lose weight, get back in shape or develop your cardio? Follow the guide...

A stable home bike, smooth pedalling

Make no mistake about it: an exercise bike is much more than a pedalboard and a saddle. So to make the right choice, you first need to know the different key elements of your fitness bike.

  • The flywheel, which you drive when you pedal, does not determine the difficulty of the pedaling, but its fluidity. A wheel that is too light will give you a jerky feeling with every pedal stroke. The heavier the wheel, the more comfortable it is to pedal. Some people recommend a minimum of 3 kg: it's too little. Aim for at least 7 kg, or even 9 kg for regular or intensive use.

  • The resistance, which is adjustable, will increase the difficulty of pedalling and simulate a hill for example. If it is mechanical, you adjust it with a turning knob. If it is magnetic, you can adjust it simply and precisely from the console on the handlebars, and above all you have access to predefined training programs that modulate the resistance automatically. As for the maximum resistance of your home bike, it will always be sufficient for a standard workout. Unless you are an accomplished sportsman or woman looking for extreme performance, this is not an essential selection criterion.

  • The console, if it is Bluetooth compatible, will allow you to connect your indoor bike to the Internet. And enter the era of interactive fitness. For example, with NordicTrack's iFit technology, you can compare your performance with the iFit community, access a variety of training programs, imagine your route anywhere in the world with GoogleMaps®... An undeniable "plus", to vary your workouts and stay motivated. However, if you have to make concessions to optimize your budget, you might be able to give up Bluetooth: you can still train and progress.
Comfort is more important than you think.
The height and horizontal adjustable saddle and the adjustable handlebar, which you can move forwards or backwards, are essential points. This way, you will find the optimal position without any discomfort or tension. As for the position - classic straight bike or seated bike, with a seat and backrest - it depends on your goals. Do you have joint problems, are you a "senior", are you recovering? A seated bike will allow you to reach - and even exceed - your goals without the risk of injury or demotivation. NordicTrack's Recumbent series sit bikes are so comfortable that you'd settle for fun. Do you want to work intensively on your lower body (buttocks, thighs, calves) and develop your cardio-respiratory capacities? The more comfortable seated exercise bike allows you to train for longer periods of time and to build up your endurance. Be careful, however, it is also larger than a classic exercise bike.

Another criterion is how easy it is to store your fitness bike... in your apartment. Foldable exercise bikes can be stored in a large cupboard. But beware: a fitness bike should not be too light, in order to remain stable when you pedal... And finally, why hide your NordicTrack bike? Its design is elegant and neat, and it won't look out of place in your home. Now you know everything or almost everything. Ideal for toning your lower body, strengthening your breath and cardio, losing weight or pushing yourself, the exercise bike will become your ally (maybe even your friend?) for years to come. So you might as well take the time to choose it carefully. You will have to find it with pleasure and enthusiasm at each workout, so as not to demotivate yourself. So, beyond the technical criteria and the indispensable comfort, choosing your home bike is also a subjective choice: you have to like it. And if you hesitate between two models, follow your favourite one!

Elliptical bike

How to choose your elliptical bike, to train at home?

More complete than a home bike, less demanding than a rowing machine, the elliptical bike works the whole body, for a complete workout. Fitness, cardio-training, weight loss: it adapts to all situations. As long as you choose it wisely.

The elliptical bike, to work all the muscles

The elliptical bike is one of the most complete fitness machines. In contrast to a home bike, it makes you work while standing and thus puts a strain on both your upper and lower body . The elliptical bike is gentle on the joints and smooth, smooth movements are not harmful to the joints. Allowing you to adapt the speed and difficulty of the training, it adapts to all users, novice or experienced, and all objectives: muscle strengthening, weight loss, cardio ... Ultimate advantage: its maintenance is simple and not very restrictive. In short, the elliptical bike is the ideal fitness equipment to have at home. But how to choose it?

Height and weight, criteria for choice

You might be tempted to opt for the most compact and lightweight unit, so as not to clutter up your apartment. This is a miscalculation.

  • You can't compromise on length: you have to be able to perform wide movements. The minimum recommended length is 1 metre. More is even better. Less is not enough. If you don't have a lot of room to set it up, make sure the elliptical is equipped with wheels so you can move it around, or even choose a foldable model.
  • You can't rely on a "light weight" either: a device that is too light will be less stable and will make your workout uncomfortable. Especially since the weight is essentially linked to the inertia wheel. As with the home bike, the heavier the flywheel, the smoother the pedalling. The minimum: 7 kg.
Criteria not to be overlooked

Other characteristics have to be taken into account:

  • The flywheel front or back ?
    • With a wheel placed at the rear, the pedalling simulates the movement of jogging, with a circular stride: the weight transfer from one leg to the other is greater, the muscular effort less. It's perfect for weight loss.
    • With a wheel placed in front - more rare on mainstream models - the pedaling reproduces the movement of the cross-country skier, with a flatter stride. The knees are less stressed. But the muscles are more so, and the speed of rotation is slower. This is ideal for muscle strengthening.
  • A fixed handlebars or movable arms ?
    • The fixed handlebar promotes lower body work.
    • The mobile arms also work the upper body: 80% of the muscles are then solicited; the ideal is to have both.
  • The console is not a gadget. If you do cardio, prefer to take your heart rate via a back or abdominal belt, which is more reliable and less restrictive than the sensor on the handlebars. And even if you think it's a gadget, the computer that measures your effort and progress is still a motivational tool as well as a performance monitoring tool.
The elliptical bike, a complete and profitable workout
On the elliptical bike, the pushing movement on the pedals works the thighs, buttocks and calves. By using the moving arms, your arms, shoulders and pectorals are stressed, while to maintain balance and keep your back straight, you strengthen your abdominal and lumbar muscles.  

The elliptical bike is also a cardio training device. Cardio, as we know, is good for your health. It improves your cardio-respiratory capacity and regulates blood pressure. Some studies even suggest that it would be an effective prevention against the risks of type 2 diabetes and would reduce "bad" cholesterol 1 , would help prevent Alzheimer 2 , Parkinson and others related to old age 3 !

More information :

Now you know all the key features of the elliptical bike? You know how to make your choice? All you have to do is discover the NordicTrack range and its many models, from the simplest to the most professional!

Cross training 

The Fusion C.S.T., complete and innovative

 A whole gym in your house? It's possible with the Fusion C.S.T. Complete and innovative, it offers you unprecedented flexibility of use, combined with an interactive coach who guides you to your goal, whatever it may be. Develop your strength or flexibility, endurance or agility... or all at once, for a complete cross-training program! 
Fusion CST : a complete training to be ready for the big day.

Whatever your goal is, it will help Fusion CST you reach it. With an unprecedented flexibility of use and accompanied by an interactive coach, this hybrid device offers you effective and varied sessions. It accompanies all your training sessions and prepares you for any challenge: with it, you're sure to be ready for the big day.

Total flexibility of use

Whatever your sport, your challenge or your goal, your training will inevitably include, in varying proportions, bodybuilding and cardio. For a complete and effective preparation, you would theoretically need at least two different machines, unless you choose the Fusion CST. This machine combines strength training and cardio by having you repeat movements with variable loads in short, high-intensity intervals. Its name underlines it: "CST" stands for "Cardio Strength Training". Worried that you may not always know how to train with this innovative device? Don't panic! The Fusion CST is inseparable from the iFit Fusion application and its touch-sensitive tablet on which you can follow a range of sessions guided by coaches!

To keep his promise, bring him Fusion CST together:

  • no less than 8 pulleys of different heights, and 6 ergonomic handles ;
  • a magnetic resistance to have 20 levels of difficulty and to guarantee fluid movements, without having to handle weights and therefore in total silence;
  • a touch tablet with a one-year iFit subscription, for customized and highly interactive workouts.
Ultimate asset: a superb design of compactness and elegance. It Fusion CST could fit seamlessly into your living room.
The new generation of home training

You surely know the secrets of successful, continuous and goal-oriented training. It must be global, combine muscular and cardio work, be fun and finally be accompanied by the advice of an expert coach. With the Fusion CSTNordicTrack, NordicTrack has succeeded in bringing all these criteria together in a single device. A real feat. Better still, the Fusion CST mix of muscle and cardio in a Cross Training approach, to optimize the ratio of time spent / Intensity of the session. Every minute of exercise is effective and helps you progress towards your final goal. You get faster results and on time, you're ready.

But to obtain these results, you need to do perfectly thought-out training sessions. No problem: you can count on a personal and attentive coachFusion CST.

Connected coaching to guide your training

Indeed, in order to take control and make the most of this "new generation" home training equipment, a coach is indispensable. For this reason NordicTrack has decided to offer a one year subscription to iFit: a connected coaching technologyFusion CST. How do you train, according to your goals? What are the mistakes to avoid? How to balance your training? Which movements to perform? At what intensity? Connected coaching is tailor-made to Fusion CST answer all your questions and provides you with personalized and motivating sessions. In short, for the first time with the Fusion CST, you benefit from all the services of a gym at home: the equipment and the coach. Without its disadvantages.

Don't hesitate any longer: come and discover the most complete and innovative home training device of the Nordic Track rangeFusion CST.

Simply improve your body

The basis ofFusion CST, is functional training. A training whose objective is to improve the movement of the body as a whole. Functional training provides an elderly person with a sense of well-being, a comfortable life, safer and smoother mobility. For sportsmen and women, whether beginners or experienced, it optimises movement in all its dimensions: precision, fluidity, strength, speed... In addition, the revolutionary device has an important additional advantage: easy maintenance.


The rowing machine, complete and powerful

The rowing machine deserves its reputation as the most complete and high-performance fitness machine: it works both the upper and lower body, and 90% of the muscles, for a complete workout. It may also be the most demanding, but all you have to do is tame it and assimilate the right move to make, and you'll see your progress. It's also one of the most rewarding!

With the rower, which muscles are strengthened?

The rowing machine is often referred to as the most complete piece of fitness equipment. A well-deserved reputation: it uses 90% of the muscles, it is one of the most efficient cardio machines, it increases flexibility and even reduces stress... What are you waiting for to dive?

Ultra-complete training

If you ask around about the most complete fitness equipment, you will most often hear about the rower. And rightly so. After all, the rower is the machine that works the most muscles. Even a little more than the elliptical bike, which already mobilises 80% of the muscles during each of your sessions.

This feat is due to the very design of the rower. Its sliding seat makes your legs work, the handle to be pulled towards you makes your arms and shoulders work, while the abdominal and dorsal muscles are mobilized to control the movement of the bust, forward and backward. Even the muscles that hold your joints together, called fixator muscles, are called upon.

Result? A generalized muscular reinforcement that no other fitness equipment is able to provide. The rower will strengthen your back, firm up your arms and abs, shape your chest and firm up your buttocks... In the end, your entire figure is reshaped and harmonized!

Strengthening muscles, cardio, and more

As you can see, the rower allows you to perform a complete muscular reinforcement. But it's also an ideal device for cardio training and strengthening your heart and respiratory system.

So of course, by working many muscles, the rower allows you to burn a maximum of calories: 300 to 400 kcal per hour at low intensity, and up to 800 at high intensity. It is the ideal complement to a balanced diet to lose weight, or more precisely fat. The rower will be able to erase cellulite and horse breeches. It would also have the ability to prevent back pain, improve flexibility through the range of motion it requires, or reduce stress and improve mood. A miracle sport? Not quite, since it requires regular training as always. However, its results are quick: in a few weeks, at the rate of 2 sessions per week, you will see results on your figure.

Rowing without struggling

Finally, the rowing machine is gentle on your joints, is suitable for overweight people and is even allowed for pregnant women. But in return, it requires time to learn. If you are a beginner, consider 2 or 3 sessions with a coach, or a friend who will be able to give you an outside view, to adopt the right posture and the right gestures and allow you to row without "struggling". The ultimate advantage is that the rowing machine is generally foldable: this is the case with NordicTrack rowing machines, which combine ergonomics, comfort and space saving storage. What if it's the right time to get started?


How to get your rowing workout off to a good start

Rowers today have often replaced their two "oars" with a central handle. However, their use has changed very little. But make no mistake: using a rowing machine is not as intuitive as it seems. Luckily, with a few tips and recommendations, you'll know how to get the most out of your new home fitness machine and how to manage your workouts.

Exercise all your muscles

Just like the elliptical bike or treadmill for example, the rowing machine is not only a strength training machine but also a cardio training device. You can use it to work almost all your muscles and get a complete workout, but only if you use it correctly. This deserves some explanation.

Let's start with a presentation of the rower, probably the least known of the home fitness machines. This device owes its name to the movements it imposes, similar to those of a person who operates the oars of a rowing machine. Yet today, some rowers are not equipped with two "oars", but with a single central handle.

Of course, the traditional rower puts you in a real-life situation. But the "central draft" rowing machine guarantees symmetrical work, making it the ideal model for a home fitness machine. Indeed, when you train alone at home, no one can warn you if you pull more on one arm (which is often the case if you are not careful: the more muscular arm pulls more, accentuating the asymmetry).
Learn the right gestures

The center pull rower can be a perfect choice for getting back into the gym, working out or strengthening your cardio.

To use it perfectly you must first place your wrists forward with your elbows backwards. Then at each pull, you pull your arms and push your legs, while covering your back: it is your whole body that pulls the handle. Your bust must remain vertical, with your back straight and your shoulders above your pelvis. Do not pull the handle upwards: at the end of the stroke the handle should be close to your navel, not your chin. As for the knees, they should always remain slightly bent: avoid full extension which would damage your joints. You can then return to the starting position: extend your arms and bend your legs, accompanying the handle back towards the flywheel.

The secrets of a successful session? Of course, start with a warm-up. Then, avoid common mistakes: fully extend your arms or legs (elbows and knees should remain slightly bent), don't push with your legs, spread your elbows or lean back. But don't worry, once you've done the right thing, it will all come naturally!

Sessions to be organized according to your objectives

You want to lose weight? Set your rower to low to medium resistance and do 2 or 3 sessions per week, 30 to 45 minutes at a regular pace. In addition to losing weight, you'll also firm up your stomach and buttocks and erase your saddlebags. You can also choose a split training to lose weight.

Want to strengthen your cardio? Do 3 sessions a week, opting for a split workout: alternate 4 minutes of fast movements (20 to 22 "strokes" per minute, i.e. one movement every three seconds) and 1 minute of recovery (with slow movements, for active recovery).

Are you aiming for a global fitness? Keep the same pace for the first 20 minutes, depending on your level, then increase the pace and alternate between a brisk and moderate pace by extending the workout another 15 to 20 minutes.

Of course, if you have a model with integrated programs, such as the RX 800 or RW 900 in the NordicTrack range, choose a program that matches your goals and let it guide you. Just select the program and start it: the resistance adapts automatically, just like the weather and the integrated console let you know where you stand.

With NordicTrack's high-end home fitness equipment, support is never neglected, so training has never been easier. When do you start?